by ChryssPoetry
Ukraine? are you sure that is a country? for what I know it sounds like a bar of fancy chocolate from Switzerland. That was exactly the reaction of my parents when I pitched my idea to study abroad in Ukraine. it took me days of keeping my cool to convince them that Ukraine is not a fancy bar of chocolate, but a Country and the second largest in Europe in terms of size.
As a little boy, I was a fan of Andri Shevchenko and he made me love football so much that it got my Dad worried I might become a footballer; which according to him is a bad career path. So that was the first time the word Ukraine popped into my head. The only weird idea I got was a feeling that everyone in Ukraine might be called Andri because almost all Ukrainian players I knew, had Andri in their names. It was on arrival that I began hearing Igor, Eugen, Nikita, and a whole lot of Vichs, Tas, and Shas if you know what I mean.
When I say Ukraine feels good, I mean it really does feel good in a Ukrainish kind of way. it is no longer news that Ukraine is pretty cheap, I mean it is part of her emblem and it is no longer news that Ukrainian ladies are pretty. I can remember vividly the good moments I had in my imagination with a Ukrainian goddess whilst still in the Plane. I was grinning and smiling as she dabbed my cheek ( all in my imagination) I literally could not wait to set my eyes on one and when I did it was blissful she was so so …. ahh, I am gonna stop right here. But the point I am driving at is “ it is far more than a country with a bunch of beautiful ladies and cheapness”
Ukraine feels good because everyone is connected by their pursuit for happiness, they understand the value friendship brings to goal pursuit and they would not trade happiness for materialism which to me is really amazing. You know hostility is a function of greed, the more greed diminishes, the better people value each other. actually, this blog was brought to life by the power of friendship and people who are connected by their love for building and making memories.
Just imagine staying in a country where people value friendship, family, love, and making memories more than making more money, getting fancy cars, and other material things. Ukraine feels good because it makes you understand that there is more to life than just material acquisition.
Ukraine feels